Partnerships & Collaborations
Lauren Melissa Ellzey has partnered with multiple organizations to provide education on Autism and Autistic experiences across lines of difference. Learn more about her past speaking events, presentations, panels, and collaborations below.
To date, Lauren Melissa’s work has crossed paths with Reframing Autism, the United Nations, CUNY, PINE at NYU Steinhardt, Color of Autism, Stanford University, NYC Children’s Theater, Inclusion Festival, and more.
PINE Program (NYU)
Event: PINE Summit (2024)
Presentation Title: Teaching Across Neurotypes: Insights and Strategies from Neurodivergent Experiences (Panelist)
Event: PINE Summit (2023)
Presentation Title: Sensory Safety: School as a Sensory Environment
Presentation Title: Nurturing Neurodiversity in Schools: Practical Ideas for Educators (Panelist)
Event: PINE Summit (2021)
Presentation Title: From the Experts: What do educators need to understand about ableism?
Project Title: Inclusive Launch Playbook Project for the SUMMIT One Vanderbilt (2021)
Contribution: Social Narratives
Project Title: Executive Functioning Curriculum (2021)
Contribution: Student Narratives, Graphic Design
Color of Autism
Event: Special Needs Childcare Training (2024)
Event: Special Needs Childcare Training (2023)
Event: Parent Advocacy Training (2022)
Presentation Title: The Color of Autism Parent Training Fall 2022
Nest Support Project at NYU
Role: Consultation (2024 - Present)
Project Title: Nest Support Project at NYU, book
Chapter Title: Sensory, author (2024)
Project Title: Hidden Voices Disability Art Curriculum, co-author (2023)
Autism Camp Australia
Project Title: Autism & Neurodiversity Masterclass
Chapter Title: Intersectionality, co-author and self-advocate interview (2024)
Yellow Ladybugs
Project Title: Supporting Autistic Girls and Gender Diverse Youth
Interview Title: Mini-Interview: Lauren Melissa Ellzey, @Autienelle (2023)
Making Mentors
Role: Coach (2023-2024)
Presentation Title: Neuro-Affirming Practices (2023) & Self-Advocacy (2024)
Routledge Publishers
Project Title: Autism Identity and Me (2024)
Chapter Title: Race and Autism, author
Reframing Autism
Event: Conference on Innovations in Autism Education: Neuroinclusive, neuroaffirming schooling (2023)
Presentation Title: Education Inclusion: Neurodiversity as Standard Practice
Program: Certificate in Autistic Wellbeing (2022)
Presentation Title: Autistic Self-Acceptance
Event: Symposium on Autistic Relationships: Communication, Community, Connection (2022)
Presentation Title: Relationship to Identity: Self-Acceptance
United Nations
Event: World Autism Day: Transformation towards a neuro-inclusive world for all (2023)
Presentation Title: Arts: Autistic talent in Music, Dance, Visual arts, and Poetry (Panelist)
Event: World Autism Awareness Day (2022)
Presentation Title: Inclusive Quality Education for All (Panelist)
City University of New York (CUNY)
Event: CUNY Neurodiversity Conference: The Art of Neurodiversity (2023)
Presentation Title: Dating Outside the Box
Event: CUNY Neurodiversity Conference (2022)
Presentation Title: One Size Fits One: Intersectionality and K-12 Inclusion (with ASD Nest Support Project)
Stanford University
Event: Stanford Neurodiversity Summit (2022)
Presentation: Young Adult Neurodivergent Voices in the Media
Event Series: K-12 Neurodiversity Education and Advocacy Meeting (2022)
Project Title: BIPOC & Neurodivergent
Inclusion Festival
Presentation Title: Sensory Bliss: Build a Sensory Toolkit (2023)
Presentation Title: Access and Inclusion for ALL: A panel discussion about disability issues (2022)
Presentation Title: Understanding Identity: A panel discussion about neurodiversity, self-expression, and self-care (2022)
Workshop Title: A Conversation and Book Reading with Lauren Melissa Ellzey (2022)
Presentation Title: A Conversation with Lauren Melissa (2020)
NYC Children’s Theater
Event Series: Creative Clubhouse Read Alouds
Presentation Title: Why Not You? Read Aloud and Activity (2022)
Presentation Title: Proud Read Aloud - My Rainbow (2022)
Different Brains
Project Title: Spectrumly Speaking Podcast, Episode 134
Event: Living at Intersections: Hearing from Autism and LGBTQ+ Activists (2022)
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
Event Series: Storytelling and Self-Advocacy (2022)
Presentation Title: Storytelling & Self-Advocacy
Penn State
Event: Understanding Autism through the Actually Autistic Lens (2021)
Presentation: Destigmatizing Stimming: Understanding & Embracing Autistic Self-Regulation
Out for Undergraduate
Event: O4U Engineering Conference (2021)
Presentation Title: Autism & Queerness
Blue Hour Studios
Project Title: Amazon Prime Video “As We See It” Instagram Campaign (2022)
Pima County Health Department
Event: Autism: Education & Equity (2021)
Presentation Title: Autistic and Teaching
Closing Remarks
Detester Magazine
Event: Autism Awareness/Acceptance Month Interview Series (2021)
Project Title: Instagram Takeover and Interview
Project Series: Talk It Out (Newsletter)
Interview Title: “We Are Living in a Neurotypical World, and I Am (Not) a Neurotypical Girl” (2021)
BBC Minute
Project Title: “What is Asperger’s?” (2019)